Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Travelling to Toronto

Day 1 started very very early. My parents were taking us to airport so I made sure I had a few drops of rescue remedy (too early for gin) to keep me calm in the face of parental driving/moaning/overprotectiveness.
We arrived in plenty of time. Checked in and then went for breakfast with the parents.

We left them and went through to Departures, spent a fun 20 mins annoying Sunglasses Hut staff by trying on ridiculous designer pairs and giggling at each other.

Eventually the gate opened and we went along. C was very excited by this point and wanted to get on the plane. When they called for people requiring special assistance or those travelling with young children under 5 to board first. Off we went, he's 6 but I flashed the Autism Awareness card and we were on.

My son is perfect. Obviously as his mum I'm bound to say that but no he really really is perfect. If you should ever find yourselves lucky enough to sit near us on a plane, think yourselves really lucky.

C does not;
Kick the seat in front.
Climb all over the seats.
Throw a tantrum.
Throw his toys or the inflight magazine.

Unlike the devil child sat behind us.

He does;
Sit nicely looking out the window.
Watch a children's film with a headset on.
Eat his meal/snacks
Chat nicely about what's going on.
Ask why the little girl was so naughty.
Was so well behaved on an 8 hour flight he deserves a gold medal.

So don't think all children are the same when travelling as they are not.

Amazingly he didn't sleep at all on the plane but he did let me nap for 45 mins whilst he watched cartoons.

We arrived and queued for ages at immigration. I was trying to look cool and not like I was nervous about possibly being asked for our consent to travel. We stood in front of the immigration officer whilst she asked our reason for our visit. Then she asked "So, C is this your Mummy?silence.... She asked again. He looked at her and started to tell her about the trucks he's seen from the aeroplane. I just looked at him thinking just answer the question! "C" I said "the lady would like to know, if I'm your Mummy!" he didn't take the hint. She was looking at me and so I did my best smile and said "He's autistic he's not great with direct questioning" a pause and then she smiled back and said "enjoy your trip to Canada...."

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Before we go.

I haven't posted anything for over a year but have decided to do a little travel blog/diary as C and I are off on a trip across Canada.

This is not the first holiday we've taken or even our first long distance flight but it is our first trip of this length and scale together, just the two of us. C is now 6 and I think he is old enough now to appreciate and enjoy travel.

Our first stop is Toronto where we are staying with friends who are currently living there. We are spending 6 days with them and then we board The Canadian train to the Rockies for a few days in Jasper, from there we will get back on the train to Vancouver. We stay in Vancouver for four days and then we will sadly come home and back to reality.

So before we go. We are nearly packed I've always been a last minute throw it all in the suitcase packer and mostly this is fine but there has been the off occasion where I've arrived somewhere without clean underwear, pjs or toothbrush. Recently there was a stay in a Travellodge after a music festival where I forgot my overnight bag completely and found it all ready to go when I arrived home hungover the following lunchtime.
I will be all packed by time I go to bed tonight though....

This week has been all about double checking all our plans and making sure I had printed out all the tickets, paperwork etc. I was feeling smug and organised on Monday evening about 11pm until I casually flicked through the Lonely Planet guide book to check the rules for booster seats for children when a small paragraph caught my eye about Lone Parents. Being a single parent travelling alone with a small child I quickly read what it said and began to panic. Apparently I needed a legally witnessed consent to travel form signed by my ex husband even though we have joint parental responsibility and I have residency of C. I googled this and really began to panic, some websites recommended taking your divorce paperwork, child's birth certificate, custody documents and the consent to travel document. I spent the witching hour sat on the floor of our spare bedroom swearing and surrounded by divorce paperwork.
First thing in the morning I checked with the very helpful Foreign Office and they confirmed I did need a letter of consent but the rest was not necessary. They guided me to a draft of the letter I could use and registered us with their Locate service so that should we have any issues the British Consulate in Canada would know our basic details and be able to come to our aid quickly.

I then had to phone the ex and ask him very nicely if I drafted the consent letter he would sign and courier back to me. At work I rushed round with a colleague to the legal department to ask one of the lawyers if they would be happy to witness it for me. After the promise of holiday sweets they agreed to sign it. Phew! Just needed to get it written to the ex and back before Friday.
The ex did sign and send back and it arrived on Wednesday. Thursday I signed it and it was witnesses by a lawyer at work.

So we are all set to go....except I've still got to finish the packing...